Euclid provides Smart Positioning systems for various application with great importance on intuitive Integration
Full control of the system and automatic logics for scan, track, targets bank and more according the application requirements.
Offered in 2 configurations:
Light weight – single axis system and Heavy-duty two axis system.
The lightweight system aim for
Line-Of-Sight applications and the Heavy duty aim for Powerful accurate applications.
Using internal Micro Controller Unit, use the vehicular system on the move.
Designed for maritime environment.
An automatic angle compensation when following the sea waves level.
Controls the system manually and automatically with targets bank positions and pointing according to the application requirements.
Two and one axis systems with integrated antenna Including GPS pointing, Compass and tilt sensors.
Internal wiring with high quality Rotary Joint and Slip ring.
Light weight or Heavy-duty positioner gives the user full control of the positioning system including targets bank